Our Projects

Club website

Connecting the club to the world

Status: 8/10

Video Demo

Luna: Dawn to Dusk

Luna is a virtual assistant that will help your start or end your day the best way! Create tailored playlists, keep track of your schedule, get the latest news and weather updates, and more - all with Luna!

Status: 5/10

Video Demo


Autonomous Self Navigating Vehicle

Status: 4/10

Video Demo

Pepper & Emoji

I'm developing a project to improve communication between individuals with and without autism, shifting from speech transcription to a Computer Vision approach. It features a prototype using a webcam to recognize facial expressions and translate them into simple emojis, aiding those with autism in understanding social cues. Using OpenCV and DeepFace for real-time emotion detection, the plan is to integrate this into Pepper, our lab's robot, for enhanced emotional communication via its display. Challenges include ensuring real-time accuracy, privacy, emotional sensitivity, minimizing biases, and incorporating feedback from the autism community.

Status: 6/10

Video Demo

Botzo the Robot Dog

The man's best friend robot. A quadruped robot dog

Status: 5/10

Video Demo